Liebster Award

I can’t believe I was nominated for the Liebster Award again! Thanks so much to Megan @ Reading in the Wildwood for the nomination. 🙂 If you haven’t been over to Megan’s blog, you should totally go and check it out. There’s a ton of great bookish posts!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  • Notify your 11 nominees.


Why did you start reading?

I’m sure I started because my mother encouraged it. She was an avid reader like me and always had a book close by. We used to go to the library together every week, and she always took out at least four or five books. I think she encourage and instilled my love of reading from a very young age.

What’s your favorite genre?

Fantasy or romance – preferably a fantasy with romance! I’m a sucker for a good, swoon-worthy romance, and I love getting immersed in a fantastical world.

What’s your go to reading snack?

Popcorn or M&Ms.

What hobby do you have outside of blogging?

Is napping a hobby? That’s one of my favorite things to do! lol I also enjoy gardening.

Library or bookstore?

Bookstore because they have books and bookish merch, whereas the library doesn’t. However, I definitely go to the library more than the bookstore. lol

What’s your dream job?

I don’t really have a dream job because I don’t want to have to work. So, I guess you could say that I already have my dream job! lol Four years ago I left my teaching career, and now I’m a stay-at-home-mom. Best job ever!!! However, when I was a kid, my dream job was a librarian. 🙂

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Going to Australia, specifically the Australian Zoo.

Entrance to the Australia Zoo.

Favorite vacation location?

New Hampshire. Pre-Covid, we used to go to New Hampshire a few times a year, and we always had such a good time. It’s a fun and relaxing vacation spot.

What is your favorite holiday?

Hmmm. I would say Christmas. It’s so festive, and we usually have a lovely day with family.

Why did you decide to blog?

I love to read and talk about books, so book blogging seemed like a great way to do this and connect with other book loving people.

What’s your best tip for new bloggers?

Make connections! Reach out to other bloggers and be authentic. 🙂

I Nominate:

My Questions:

  1. How long have you been blogging?
  2. If you could interview on author, who would you choose?
  3. Do you prefer series or standalones?
  4. What is your favorite genre(s)?
  5. Do you prefer to read one book at a time or more than one?
  6. What is your most anticipated read?
  7. What is the name of the last book you loved?
  8. Do you have any blogging goals for 2021?
  9. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  10. What’s your favorite thing to do besides reading and blogging/writing?
  11. Do you reread books?

Thanks again, Megan! That was a lot of fun! 🙂

20 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. First of all, it makes me so happy to know that you find such joy in being a mom! Those are few and far between these days!!! Second, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great answers, too! xoxo

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