Birthstone Book Covers: September

Leslie at Books Are the New Black created a fun monthly post called Birthstone Book Covers. Each month, she features book covers that are either the same color of that month’s birthstone or include the color in the title. Fun, right?

This month, the birthstone is sapphire, and it is a beautiful, vibrant blue.


  • Mention the creator (Leslie @ Books Are The New Black ) and link back to her so she can check out your post.
  • Pick 5+ book covers that match the current month’s Birthstone.
  • Nominate people if you want!

Can you think of any books with Sapphire covers? Comment below!

14 thoughts on “Birthstone Book Covers: September

  1. I have some pretty blue covers- some light, some dark, and some in between

    1. Harry Potter
    2. Titan’s Curse
    3. Land of Stories- Beyond the Kingdoms
    4. And Then There Was None
    5. Spinning Silver

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